High School is finally over for Pedro, and with it, he’s about to leave Tulay Buhangin for college. Pedro and Lola Maria find their way to his Lolo Pedro’s boarding house at the University belt, where Pedro is hoping to lead a normal life as a normal student. Except, as we all know, a normal life is not really an option for Pedro. In the first place, Lolo Pablo isn’t your average lolo – he gets visions of spirits. And his latest vision is a frightening one – the demon Kalagua has escaped rom his prison and is determined to find the chosen Engkantao – a half human, half engkanto hybrid – whose power can bring him to Floreshka. Once in Floreshka, he intends to destroy the kingdom and all engkantas protecting the human race – and begin the last apocalypse (huling delubyo). But who is the chosen Engkantao? Is it Josef, whose Dalaketnon ancestry made him telekinetic? Is it Marie, a part-Sigben who can turn invisible or change her appearance at will? Is it Edward, who is part Kataw and can control and manipulate water? Is it Moy, whose Santelmo lineage allows him to make fire out of thin air? Is it Dianne, who inherited a pair of wings and the ability to climb any surface from her Wakwak father? Or is it perhaps Pedro himself, the son of a farmer and diwata Bukang Liwayway? And will banding together help the young heroes – or will it make it easier for Kalagua to find them?